


Sunday Morning Programs                                              

Nursery for infants up to age 2 - 10:45am Service 

 Serving the needs of our church family during Sunday service. Our nursery team is made up of caring, attentive, compassionate folks who love kids! We also have a Comfort Room available for families with little ones, who are welcome to use it when they need it. (Entrance is in the Church Lobby) 

Preschool for age 3 up to K - 10:45am Service
Our preschool kids get  to experience games, crafts, and activities designed just for them and their unique age group. (Preschoolers in first service are welcome to join the children in Kidz Church.) 

Kidz Church for Grades K to 6 - 9:00am & 10:45am Services

Children will join in with the large congregation every Sunday in the Church Sanctuary.  After worship, they wil be dismissed and will go and learn about Jesus with our wonderful teachers. More than just Sunday school! This is church for kids with all of the excitement, the joy and the thrill of experiencing Jesus! Kidz Church combines the fun energy of large-group experiences along with the intimate impact of small groups. Kidz get to worship, play games, experience skits, and more! We spend more time doing Bible lesson, not just listening to it! (On the first Sunday of the month, children wil remain with their families for the whole service.)

Our awesome volunteer team would love to include you in sharing in the blessing that comes with discipling kids! If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Kristina Pennell, at


All of our adult and youth volunteers need to have a Personal Information Form (PIF) on file at the church. Download them here:    ADULT PIF    YOUTH PIF

MidWeek Programs




AWANA Children's Bible Fun Club  
For children ages Pre-K through 6th Grade

pproved Workmen Are Not Ashamed!
"Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed." 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

Kids and Parents Love Awana!
Why do hundreds of thousand of kids attend Awana Clubs every week? Awana is fun! That's the bottom line for most kids. Of course, they're learning and growing while they're having fun.

Awana Club meetings are brimming with life-enriching experiences for young people! Trained leaders guide children through age-appropriate material. Kids learn that God is real, that He loves them, and that He has expressed that love through Jesus Christ. They also learn how to apply the truths of the Bible to their daily lives.

The goal of Awana Clubs
is to reach boys and girls for Christ and train them to serve Him. The program is distinctly Christian and Bible-centered. Of course, Awana Clubs does not exclude kids based on their religious affiliation. The club meetings are open to all. There is no cost to attend.

Awana meets on Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm to 7:00pm except for June & July (summer break). For more information, please contact Paula Rusk at 887-3917, or email at And be sure to visit our AWANA web site!