About Us

Our Convictions

Our church believes in the Holy Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, as the Word of God and the perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct. (2 Timothy 3:16)

We affirm all who put their faith in Christ as our brothers and sisters in the family of God, which is the Christian church. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

We believe that Christian unity is based on our relationship with God, not on complete agreement in all matters of interpretation or practice. So we value diversity within a church committed to Christ as Lord. (John 17:20-23)



Confession of Faith

We believe in God the Father as revealed in Jesus Christ the Son, whom we acknowledge as Lord and savior, and who lives in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. All who make this profession may join the church. (John 14:15-21)

...If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).


Our Ministries

We offer Christ-centered, Bible-based ministries for persons of all ages. Our ministries include: Men's & Women's Bible studies and support groups; Home Fellowships (adult small group); Lamplighters (Bible study and fellowship for adults over 50); Youth Ministry: Bible study, activities and confirmation for teens; AWANA Bible Fun Club for children. Call the church office for times and further information. (772-9548).


Our Denomination

To learn more about the Evangelical Covenant Church, please visit their website.